Personal and Business Transformation
Innovation Frameworks provides custom-designed services specifically for your unique needs, situation, and goals
That's why we always start by thoroughly understanding your goals, your situation, and the most important needs you have. Only then do we work with you to define our consulting approach.
Because we have a very large array of consulting tools, service modules, knowledge areas, workshop techniques, and operating styles, we can design with you a custom engagement which will most exactly fit your unique company.
Innovation Frameworks is a Registered Trademark of Innovation Frameworks LLC. All rights Reserved.
Innovate Your Future is a Registered Trademark of Innovation Frameworks LLC. All rights Reserved.
Opportunity-Driven Innovation, Hoshin Lite , and Full-spectrum Innovation are Trademarks of Innovation Frameworks LLC. All rights reserved.
The Innovation Frameworks graphic logo is a trademark of Innovation Frameworks LLC. All rights reserved.
This website and all its contents: Copyright 2003 - 2024 © Innovation Frameworks LLC All rights reserved.
In-house Workshops + Consulting "Pull-through"
Conducted on your premises, we have a variety of innovation - enhancing workshops designed to both train your staff and cultivate lasting change. Generally our clients choose to couple a focused workshop with a series of consulting visits, homework, and often project-related activities. These are custom designed to help companies solve critical issues or seize major opportunities - with innovation excellence.
Topics include:
- Business Model Innovation: re-balancing or re-inventing your company
- Managing the Fuzzy Front End of Innovation Turning obfuscation into opportunity
- "Back to Prime" : re-establishing innovation as a core competency to companies with outdated offerings and business models
- Executive Leadership for Innovation for owners, ceo's and other organizational leaders: how to promote and support innovation in your company - at all levels
- Leading and Managing Collaborative Innovation Many heads are better than one. But how do you make it really work. We'll teach you how.
- Hoshin Lite (tm): Instituting a manageable and simplified Hoshin Kanri interactive strategy deployment in your company. Management by Objectives made relevant.
- Opportunity-Driven Innovation (tm). Our trademarked, systematic framework for defining the whole innovation approach to any challenge. Learn how to Engineer your Opportunities. Because Opportunities are the real foundations for innovation success.
- Becoming an Innovation Leader An extended program designed to cultivate your innovation competencies across 6 key dimensions to achieve industry leadership. This is for whole companies or divisions and requires leadership and support from the top. This is a program for owners and executives.
- Beyond Lean Getting tired of nothing but an endless productivity focus and want to really grow your company and make it more robust? Want to be a leader, not just focusing on incremental baby steps? We've taken the concepts from Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Mapping and connected them to the world of Innovation. Ask us how developing an innovative culture and a truly innovation-competent staff can improve both productivity AND organic growth of your company and its position in the world.
Business Transformation Program
focuses on
Six Core Innovation Competencies
Innovation Leadership
Culture and Mindset
Innovation Methods & Techniques
Collaborative Innovation
Innovation Project Management
Pull-through to Success